
Remote Databases

XCA supports connections to network databases. Tested engines are:

  • MariaDB / mySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • Microsoft SQLserver

Table prefix

The table prefix can be used to store more than one XCA database in the same remote database.

Database Drivers

The SQL backend drivers provided by the manufacturer of the database must be installed additionally to the Database support in XCA.


The backend drivers are provided by your distribution:

  • Debian: libqt6sql6-psql, libqt6sql6-mysql or libqt6sql6-odbc.

  • RPM: libqt6-database-plugin-pgsql, libqt6-database-plugin-mysql, libqt6-database-plugin-odbc

They should pull in all necessary dependencies.

Apple macos

  • PostgreSQL: Install the

  • ODBC: It requires the /usr/local/opt/libiodbc/lib/libiodbc.2.dylib. When installing unixodbc via brew the library must be symlinked from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/libiodbc/3.52.16/lib/libiodbc.2.dylib

  • MariaDB: Probably via ODBC ?


Extracting items

The sqlitebrowser may be used to examine the elements of the database.

The database schema is documented Schema All cryptographic items are stored as base64 DER format and must be decoded before feeding them to OpenSSL:

| base64 -d | openssl <x509|req|crl|pkcs8> -inform DER ...

Extract the private key with internal name ‘pk8key’ from the database:

sqlite3 ~/xca.xdb "SELECT private FROM view_private WHERE name='pk8key'" | base64 -d | openssl pkcs8 -inform DER

Extract the certificate with internal name ‘rootca’ from the database:

sqlite3 ~/xca.xdb "SELECT cert FROM view_certs WHERE name='rootca'" | base64 -d | openssl x509 -inform DER

Extract the public part of a key by database primary key:

sqlite3 ~/xca.xdb "SELECT public from view_public_keys WHERE id=3" | base64 -d | openssl pkey -inform DER -pubin

Extract a CRL:

sqlite3 ~/xca.xdb "SELECT crl FROM view_crls WHERE name='ca'" | base64 -d | openssl crl -inform DER

Modify the comment of an item with id 3:

sqlite3 ~/xca.xdb "UPDATE items SET comment='My notes' WHERE id=3"

The item names are not required to be unique anymore. Each table view in XCA has an optional column “Primary key” that may be shown to get the ID of the item in the database.


/* The  32bit hash  in public_keys, x509super, requests, certs and crls
 * is used to quickly find items in the DB by reference.
 * It consists of the first 4 bytes of a SHA1 hash.
 * Collisions are of course possible.
 * All binaries are stored Base64 encoded in a column of type
 * ' B64_BLOB ' It is defined here as 'TEXT' which is huge, except
 * on mysql where LONGTEXT is used.

#define B64_BLOB  _B64_BLOB_ 

 * The B64(DER(something)) function means DER encode something
 * and then Base64 encode that.
 * So finally this is PEM without newlines, header and footer
 * Dates are alway stored as 'CHAR(15)' in the
 * ASN.1 Generalized time 'yyyyMMddHHmmssZ' format

#define DB_DATE  CHAR(15) 

 * Configuration settings from
 *  the Options dialog, window size, last export directory,
 *  default key type and size,
 *  table column (position, sort order, visibility)

  CREATE TABLE settings ( 
	 key_ CHAR(20) UNIQUE,          -- mySql does not like 'key' or 'option 
	 value   B64_BLOB  ) 
  INSERT INTO settings (key_, value) VALUES ('schema', '  SCHEMA_VERSION  ') 

 * All items (keys, tokens, requests, certs, crls, templates)
 * are stored here with the primary key and some common data
 * The other tables containing the details reference the 'id'
  CREATE TABLE items( 
	 name VARCHAR(128),                  -- Internal name of the item
	 type INTEGER,                  -- enum pki_type
	 source INTEGER,                  -- enum pki_source
	 date   DB_DATE  ,                  -- Time of insertion (creation/import)
	 comment VARCHAR(2048),  
	 stamp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,   -- indicate concurrent access

 * Storage of public keys. Private keys and tokens also store
 * their public part here.
  CREATE TABLE public_keys ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 type CHAR(4),                  -- RSA DSA EC (as text)
	 hash INTEGER,                  -- 32 bit hash
	 len INTEGER,                          -- key size in bits
	 'public'   B64_BLOB  ,          -- B64(DER(public key))
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id)) 

 * The private part of RSA, DSA, EC keys.
 * references to 'items' and 'public_keys'
  CREATE TABLE private_keys ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 ownPass INTEGER,                  -- Encrypted by DB pwd or own pwd
	 private   B64_BLOB  ,          -- B64(Encrypt(DER(private key)))
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id)) 

 * Smart cards or other PKCS#11 tokens
 * references to 'items' and 'public_keys'
  CREATE TABLE tokens ( 
	 item INTEGER,                    -- reference to items(id)
	 card_manufacturer VARCHAR(64),   -- Card location data
	 card_serial VARCHAR(64),            -- as text
	 card_model VARCHAR(64),  
	 card_label VARCHAR(64),  
	 slot_label VARCHAR(64),  
	 object_id VARCHAR(64),            -- Unique ID on the token
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id)) 

 * Encryption and hash mechanisms supported by a token
  CREATE TABLE token_mechanism ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 mechanism INTEGER,                  -- PKCS#11: CK_MECHANISM_TYPE
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id)) 

 * An X509 Super class, consisting of a
 *  - Distinguishd name hash
 *  - Referenced key in the database
 *  - hash of the public key, used for lookups if there
 *    is no key to reference
 * used by Requests and certificates and the use-counter of keys:
 * 'SELECT from x509super WHERE pkey=?'
  CREATE TABLE x509super ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 subj_hash INTEGER,             -- 32 bit hash of the Distinguished name
	 pkey INTEGER,                  -- reference to the key items(id)
	 key_hash INTEGER,              -- 32 bit hash of the public key
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id),  
	 FOREIGN KEY (pkey) REFERENCES items (id))  

 * PKCS#10 Certificate request details
 * also takes information from the 'x509super' table.
  CREATE TABLE requests ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 hash INTEGER,                  -- 32 bit hash of the request
	 signed INTEGER,                -- Whether it was once signed.
	 request   B64_BLOB  ,          -- B64(DER(PKCS#10 request))
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id))  

 * X509 certificate details
 * also takes information from the 'x509super' table.
 * The content of the columns: hash, iss_hash, serial, ca
 * can also be retrieved directly from the certificate, but are good
 * to lurk around for faster lookup
  CREATE TABLE certs ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 hash INTEGER,                  -- 32 bit hash of the cert
	 iss_hash INTEGER,              -- 32 bit hash of the issuer DN
	 serial VARCHAR(64),            -- Serial number of the certificate
	 issuer INTEGER,                -- The items(id) of the issuer or NULL
	 ca INTEGER,                    -- CA: yes / no from BasicConstraints
	 cert   B64_BLOB  ,             -- B64(DER(certificate))
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id),  
	 FOREIGN KEY (issuer) REFERENCES items (id))  

 * X509 cartificate Authority data
  CREATE TABLE authority ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 template INTEGER,              -- items(id) of the default template
	 crlExpire   DB_DATE  ,         -- CRL expiry date
	 crlNo INTEGER,                 -- Last CRL Number
	 crlDays INTEGER,               -- CRL days until renewal
	 dnPolicy VARCHAR(1024),        -- DistinguishedName policy (UNUSED)
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id),  
	 FOREIGN KEY (template) REFERENCES items (id))  

 * Storage of CRLs
  CREATE TABLE crls ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 hash INTEGER,                  -- 32 bit hash of the CRL
	 num INTEGER,                   -- Number of revoked certificates
	 iss_hash INTEGER,              -- 32 bit hash of the issuer DN
	 issuer INTEGER,                -- The items(id) of the issuer or NULL
	 crl   B64_BLOB  ,              -- B64(DER(revocation list))
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id),  
	 FOREIGN KEY (issuer) REFERENCES items (id))  

 * Revocations (serial, date, reason, issuer) used to create new
 * CRLs. 'Manage revocations'
  CREATE TABLE revocations ( 
	 caId INTEGER,                  -- reference to certs(item)
	 serial VARCHAR(64),            -- Serial of the revoked certificate
	 date   DB_DATE  ,              -- Time of creating the revocation
	 invaldate   DB_DATE  ,         -- Time of invalidation
	 crlNo INTEGER,                 -- Crl Number of CRL of first appearance
	 reasonBit INTEGER,             -- Bit number of the revocation reason
	 FOREIGN KEY (caId) REFERENCES items (id)) 

 * Templates
  CREATE TABLE templates ( 
	 item INTEGER,                  -- reference to items(id)
	 version INTEGER,               -- Version of the template format
	 template   B64_BLOB  ,         -- The base64 encoded template
	 FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items (id)) 

/* Views */
  CREATE VIEW view_public_keys AS SELECT,, items.type AS item_type,,  
	 items.source, items.comment,  
	 public_keys.type as key_type, public_keys.len, public_keys.'public',  
	 tokens.card_manufacturer, tokens.card_serial, tokens.card_model,  
	 tokens.card_label, tokens.slot_label, tokens.object_id  
	 FROM public_keys LEFT JOIN items ON public_keys.item =  
	 LEFT JOIN private_keys ON private_keys.item = public_keys.item  
	 LEFT JOIN tokens ON public_keys.item = tokens.item 

  CREATE VIEW view_certs AS SELECT,, items.type, AS item_date,  
	 items.source, items.comment,  
	 certs.serial AS certs_serial, certs.issuer,, certs.cert,  
	 authority.template, authority.crlExpire,  
	 authority.crlNo AS auth_crlno, authority.crlDays, authority.dnPolicy,  
	 revocations.serial,, revocations.invaldate,  
	 revocations.crlNo, revocations.reasonBit  
	 FROM certs LEFT JOIN items ON certs.item =  
	 LEFT JOIN x509super ON x509super.item = certs.item  
	 LEFT JOIN authority ON authority.item = certs.item  
	 LEFT JOIN revocations ON revocations.caId = certs.issuer  
	                         AND revocations.serial = certs.serial 

  CREATE VIEW view_requests AS SELECT,, items.type,,  
	 items.source, items.comment,  
	 requests.request, requests.signed  
	 FROM requests LEFT JOIN items ON requests.item =  
	 LEFT JOIN x509super ON x509super.item = requests.item 

  CREATE VIEW view_crls AS SELECT,, items.type,,  
	 items.source, items.comment,  
	 crls.num, crls.issuer, crls.crl  
	 FROM crls LEFT JOIN items ON crls.item =  

  CREATE VIEW view_templates AS SELECT,, items.type,,  
	 items.source, items.comment,  
	 templates.version, templates.template  
	 FROM templates LEFT JOIN items ON templates.item = 

  CREATE VIEW view_private AS SELECT  
	 name, private FROM private_keys JOIN items ON = private_keys.item 

  CREATE INDEX i_settings_key_ ON settings (key_) 
  CREATE INDEX i_items_id ON items (id) 
  CREATE INDEX i_public_keys_item ON public_keys (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_public_keys_hash ON public_keys (hash) 
  CREATE INDEX i_private_keys_item ON private_keys (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_tokens_item ON tokens (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_token_mechanism_item ON token_mechanism (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_x509super_item ON x509super (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_x509super_subj_hash ON x509super (subj_hash) 
  CREATE INDEX i_x509super_key_hash ON x509super (key_hash) 
  CREATE INDEX i_x509super_pkey ON x509super (pkey) 
  CREATE INDEX i_requests_item ON requests (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_requests_hash ON requests (hash) 
  CREATE INDEX i_certs_item ON certs (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_certs_hash ON certs (hash) 
  CREATE INDEX i_certs_iss_hash ON certs (iss_hash) 
  CREATE INDEX i_certs_serial ON certs (serial) 
  CREATE INDEX i_certs_issuer ON certs (issuer) 
  CREATE INDEX i_certs_ca ON certs (ca) 
  CREATE INDEX i_authority_item ON authority (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_crls_item ON crls (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_crls_hash ON crls (hash) 
  CREATE INDEX i_crls_iss_hash ON crls (iss_hash) 
  CREATE INDEX i_crls_issuer ON crls (issuer) 
  CREATE INDEX i_revocations_caId_serial ON revocations (caId, serial) 
  CREATE INDEX i_templates_item ON templates (item) 
  CREATE INDEX i_items_stamp ON items (stamp) 

/* Schema Version 2: Views added to quickly load the data */

/* Schema Version 3: Add indexes over hashes and primary, foreign keys */

/* Schema Version 4: Add private key view to extract a private key with:
	mysql:      mysql -sNp -u xca xca_msq -e
	or sqlite:  sqlite3 ~/sqlxdb.xdb
	or psql:    psql -t -h -U xca -d xca_pg -c
	        'SELECT private FROM view_private WHERE name='pk8key';' |\
	        base64 -d | openssl pkcs8 -inform DER
 * First mysql/psql will ask for a password and then OpenSSL will ask for
 * the database password.

/* Schema Version 5: Extend settings value size from 1024 to B64_BLOB
 * SQLite does not support 'ALTER TABLE settings MODIFY ...'

  ALTER TABLE settings RENAME TO __settings 
  CREATE TABLE settings ( 
	 key_ CHAR(20) UNIQUE,          -- mySql does not like 'key' or 'option'
	 value   B64_BLOB  ) 
  INSERT INTO settings(key_, value)  
	 SELECT key_, value  
	 FROM __settings 
  DROP TABLE __settings 
  UPDATE settings SET value='6' WHERE key_='schema' 

  CREATE INDEX i_items_del ON items (del) 
  UPDATE settings SET value='7' WHERE key_='schema' 

/* When adding new tables or views, also add them to the list
 * in XSqlQuery::rewriteQuery(QString) in lib/sql.cpp